Rough ground cod fishing sees you working from rock ledges into deeper water over heavy rough ground and into kelp weed beds, or fishing fingers and reefs of rock that push out into the surf. It's rightly classed as one of the toughest forms of shore fishing but gives the angler the best chance of improved numbers of cod and more so, that opportunity to catch a consistently higher average size of fish.
Rods for Rough Ground Cod
These need to have the power to hook and dominate big cod and drag them through rocky ground and weed. The best option is a rod around 13 to 14ft rated to cast up to 8ozs. This length allows more leverage on the fish when playing them, and when they are tight in at your feet.
Only fish one rod into rough ground. Often, you’ll be having to drop back rock to rock as the tide advances, so minimal tackle is the key to this.

If you prefer multiplier reels, a 7000-size offering a line capacity around 300-yards of 20lb mono is about right. Load this with 25 to 30lb mono, plus an 80lb mono shock leader. You rarely need to cast to range when fishing over this heavy rough ground, with most fish being taken within 60-yards of the shore, so loading with 200 plus yards of 30lb is fine.
Fixed spool users need an 8000-size reel capable of taking 300-yards of 30lb mono. Multiple ball-bearings help smooth out the retrieve under heavy pressure, and make sure the drag system can be locked down for maximum pressure. An aluminium spool for strength and good line lay are also essential.

Mainline and Leader
25/30lb mono is a good all-round choice for general rough ground fishing, offering plenty of power and a reasonable resistance to possible abrasion from rocks. Add a 60lb shock leader in a brighter colour such as yellow or orange for instant identification at night via your headlight.
When fishing into rocks and snags with fixed spool reels, 40 to 50lb braid main line is used with an 80lb braid leader. For close range fishing, say up to 75-yards into very heavy snags and rocky gullies, some experienced rock anglers prefer to load with 60lb braid straight through for maximum pulling power. This makes sense as there is no leader knot to snag weed on if it's present in the water.
Whether using mono or braid, get into the habit of checking the line as you retrieve for abrasion, scuffs and nicks. These are inevitable and need removing to minimise the chance of lost fish.

Rigs for Rough Ground Cod Fishing
Stick with a Pulley Rig for all rough ground cod fishing. The pulley effect brings the cod directly up against the weight of the lead instantly to encourage self-hooking, plus it offers the advantage of lifting the lead weight up above the fish during the fight to miss the worst of the snags.
- Begin with 50-inches of 60lb to 80lb clear mono.
- To one end, tie on a Big Bait Casting Snap, slide on a 5mm bead, a pulley rig bead and another 5mm bead.
- Measuring up from the tag end of mono 22-inches, tie in a figure-of-eight knot. This stops the beads and pulley rig bead sliding any further.
- On to the tag end of mono, slide on a rig crimp, a 3mm bead and an 8mm bead, then the hook. Crimp the crimp lightly in place on the mono, just enough that under heavy finger pressure you can slide it on the line. This bead arrangement acts as a bait stop and avoids the bait blowing back up the line during the cast.
- The hook needs to be a strong Viking pattern in size 4/0 to 6/0 depending on bait size.
- Tronixpro Xenon Leader
- Tronixpro Big Bait Casting Snap Link
- Tronixpro Pulley Rig Bead
- Tronixpro Rig Beads
- Tronixpro Rig Crimps
- Tronixpro Beast Uptide Hooks

In rough ground, use bulkier baits 5 to 6-inches long on one big 6/0 hook. The disadvantage of a 2-hook Pennel system on the hook length in rough ground and snags is that the top hook can get often snagged, causing increased snap offs. Cod have big mouths and swallow a decent bait on a single 6/0 hook with ease, so 2 hooks give little added advantage.
Plain leads are best in rough ground. Use the dumpier bomb shapes, which tend to snag less than other shapes between the cracks between the rocks and boulders.
Being able to fish the lead on a weak link system can save a lot of tackle and fish. One of the best systems is the Tronixpro Canny Link, which replaces the standard Clip Link at the base of the rig.
- Tie the Canny Link to the bottom of the rig body line via the wire loop.
- To the same loop, tie on a short section of weak 15lb line.
- Tie the end of this to the eye of the lead.
- Hang the eye of the lead on to the Canny Link’s wire tag end. This can be cast with full force, but when the lead hits the sea, the lead falls free and is held in place only by the weak line, which will break when pulled.
Being able to lose the lead when it’s snagged also improves your chances of landing hooked fish, as the fish will lift higher in the water, well up off the seabed.
- Shorecast Pear Lead
- Tronixpro Canny Link

Black or blow lug are the go-to baits for most anglers and are therefore classed as the most successful. Aim for a bait about 6-inches long, then secure it with bait elastic. Black lug tipped with two or three blow lug is also very effective.
Ragworm can be effective but seems best used as a combination bait below a good section of black lug.
The top bait, if you can get it, is fresh peeler crab. These need to have the shell peeled, the body cut in to two halves, then pushed round the bend of the hook and up the shank of the hook leaving the hook point just clear is perfect presentation when bound with bait elastic to keep it in place during the cast.
Still used by some, but not as popular as it once was, is mussel. This is a real killer bait. A big bunch of them, say 4 to 6 mussel, on a 6/0 hook and well bound with bait elastic then cast into a rocky gully or near to a kelp weed bed is irresistible to cod.
Another bait to try is a whole squid. Push the squid tail first up the hook and bring the hook out by the head. Again, secure with plenty of bait elastic. It can often be a wise move to remove the head and tentacles as cod, and conger and huss, can sometimes nip the tentacles and head off but miss the hook.

Rod Rest
If practical, a rod rest is the best way to support the rod and watch for bites if the terrain you’re fishing on allows its use. Its disadvantage is that it's extra to carry and is a nuisance when retreating backwards with the tide.
When fishing into rough ground and kelp, it’s often better to hold the rod so you can respond instantly to bites. This is best done by standing with the right foot slightly forward and the right hand holding the rod almost vertical, with the rod butt positioned on the top of your boot. This is comfy, doesn’t tire you out, but gives a quick response to bites.
A powerful LED headlight is essential for all night fishing. A high output is vital, so look for 2000 Lumens (main beam) as a minimum with a wide angled pool light for working and baiting up, but also a long-range beam that penetrates over 100-metres, this is so you can look well forward to spot lobster pot buoys, rocks to work back to, and ways off the mark should the weather turn nasty.
Rechargeable batteries are the best option, with a working life on average beam power of at least 40hrs. A flashing red light option for emergencies is another useful addition.
Other factors to consider are a wide fully adjustable headband that fits around the head and with a band over the middle of the head lengthways. The latter stops the headlight wobbling when you’re moving. Also, look for an IPX8 rating, which means the light is mostly waterproof.